Holy Sheep, Batman!

As we were readying ourselves for church, I heard a bell ringing.  It was not the church bells, but sounded more like something a child would play with.  At first I wondered if it was some sort of Italian Easter tradition I didn’t know about, but it turns out it was sheep.


 A lot of sheep.

more sheep

And a few shepherds and some sheep dogs.  There was poo on the road for many klicks (Km).  Many.


Filed under Everyday

2 responses to “Holy Sheep, Batman!

  1. Stephanie H

    Is there a story that goes along with this picture? Is this a daily, weekly, or even monthly trip for the sheep?

    I really, really enjoy your blogs, we miss you all tremendously!!!

  2. Gee this reminds me of childhood! But those were cattle. Twice a year they would move them from one end of Dry Creek to the other!

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